Thursday, 28 October 2010

Rough cut of video

Rough Cut Feedback


For our rough cut feedback, our class reported back to us on what we could improve:-
Lighting in the interior shots at the beginning needed to be lighter. Very dark and sometimes the colour bleeds into orange.

AVOID shooting towards the light – especially in the Baltic – the proposal seemed very dark.

In performance – could the singer get more attitude? Make certain bits clearer – some parts don’t fit with rest of performance.

Laptop scene needs to be redone with a tripod.

Clock is too dark in instrumental – need to make brighter to be effective.

To improve this we:-

Brightened the shots using the premiere software and this gave a shot that was bright enough to use without looking fake and un-realistic.

We went back to the Baltic and shot certain shots away from the light giving us an extra shot in places and improving the lighting so that the target audience could understand the narrative better and see the story unfold clearly.

Took out parts that made the performance overall look weaker and included things such as a click and head turns to show attitude. Also we changed parts of the lighting so that it had a more dramatic impact on the audience.

The laptop scene was a last minute idea so we shot this quickly. We realised that we needed to improve this so when our rough cut feedback told us this it just reinforced the fact it needed changing. We reshot this and changed a camera angle on the last bit to give a different view of the situation.

We brightened the clock time lapse scene on the computer and it looked a lot better so although we did re-shoot the programmed software was enough to improve this criticism.

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