Friday, 5 November 2010

Brand Image Research

Meatloaf’s brand image features a lot of fire and ‘hot’ imagery for instance red backgrounds which could represent hell, blood or death. This imagery portrays that he as an artist has a dangerous sound. Danger is also shown through objects such as, motorbikes and dragons – this also brings in the mythological theme that also runs throughout with the various creatures and the use of ‘hell’ which can be seen as quite a religious type thing. The general colour scheme is dark and dingy: the main colours being red and black, however the colour used gives a bold sense and makes a statement. The theme of the brand image is quite gothic and mystical which gives a medieval vibe, especially seen through the font which features on all areas of Meatloaf’s brand image and advertising. There is a vintage appearance to the brand image as one of the posters resembles an old horror movie – where a lady dressed in red (a symbol of blood) is against a wall with a fearful expression, also we see a piece of the wall damaged again showing the mystical and mythological theme as it is suggesting that there was a dangerous creature of some sort there at some point.

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