Saturday, 6 November 2010

Narrative Theory Work

Tzveten Todorov
Tzveten Todorov has a theory that every music video fits into a general narrative. This is his theory:

The Story Starts at equilibrium, then,

Confusion and event occur, and finally,

Problems are resolved and restored

This fits in well with our music video as at the start we are shown a perfect relationship on the surface that at the heart is corrupt. Bad events happen throughout the middle of the song such as her long term boyfriend standing her up and laughing at her. He also proposes in front of their friends and almost forces her to say yes! By the end, the girl realises that she wants better than this and she leaves he ring and walks out of the door, therefore all is resolved and her happiness is restored.

Claude Levi - Strauss

Another Theory is by Claude Levi – Strauss. His theory is that all videos are generated by binary opposites such as big and small, good and evil and past and present. For instance in our video we have a very key and important inary opposite being greyscale and colour – which is quite obviously linked to both the song name and the narrative itself.
Other binary opposites that occur within our music video are:
• Happy – Sad.
• Boy – Girl.
• Apart – Together.
• Love – No love.
• Colour – Greyscale.

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